Bugs and flaws of the 6510

 Zeropage addressing modes & page wraps (fixed on 65816 in native mode):

   If you use an indexed-zeropage addressing mode, either direct or indirect,
   it is not able to leave the zeropage on page-wraps. Examples:

    LDX #$01
    LDA $FF,X

   will fetch from adress $0000 and not $0100.

    LDA ($FF),Y

    LDX #$00
    LDA ($FF,X)

    LDX #$FF
    LDA ($00,X)

   will all fetch the low-byte from $00FF and the high-byte from $0000.

 Indirect addressing mode & page wraps (fixed on 65816):

   If you use the indirect addressing mode, PCH will not be incremented on
   page wraps. Example:

    JMP ($C0FF)

   will fetch the low-byte from $C0FF and the high-byte from $C000.

 Decimal mode (flags fixed on 65816):

   In decimal mode, N and V are set after the high-order nibble is added or
   subtracted but before it is decimal-corrected, according to binary rules.
   Z is always set according to binary mode, not decimal.

   When decimal-correcting a nibble for addition, following rules apply:

    IF ((nibble >= $A) \/ C') THEN nibble += 6
    C'' = C' \/ (nibble + 6 >= $A)

   When decimal-correcting a nibble for subtraction,  following rules apply:

    IF (~C') THEN nibble -= 6
    C'' = C' \/ (nibble - 6 < 0)

   Thus, $F + $F in decimal mode is $14, not $24. Also, decimal correction
   can result in nibbles ranging from $A-$F. For example, $C + $D results
   in $19 before correction, $1F after.